mr. whitaker that pushed me towards that. i'll be honest. i was comfortable just working and receiving a paycheck, but i do understand that there was so much more. >> charlie, let me just go to you next because you actually mentored andrew. >> yes, ma'am, and your company works primarily with returning citizens. >> so andrew came to you and tell us what happened. >> andrew is really a humble guy. andrew has a lot of skills. i really met andrew in like 2007. andrew was a case manager and we were doing work for development so when i left and started career path d.c. in 2010 andrew came over with me and just like you said he had some issues around substance abuse so he left for a while and he came back in 2012, and when he came back he was an asset to the organization so we brought andrew back in, and he began to work with the other guys around the clean and safe work that we do. through that it helped him get back on track, and i will work with him around, know, issues around when he has things going on where he may feel a little stress or thi