mr. willie nilly donald trump they approve all these pipelines, just here, approve this, approve this. the fact is they approved more pipelines than there is oil. same in north dakota. they have more pipelines than oil. so big reports between approving the keystone xl permits to go ahead, the ambridge line three and one in eastern canada and mr. trump approved 2 billion barrels more than needed for the pipelines. no guarantee that oil will come out of there, one because the price of oil is low and two because it is dirty oil. >> why would you approve more pipeline than you have oil? that's beyond greed to me. >> it is beyond sfgreed and bad mouth and absolutely no context so we're saying what you need to do america is clean up your mess. right now they're saying 15 to 25% of the oil we're getting in these pipelines we're wasting it, it's blowing off in these different places we need to clean the pipelines that are here and not abandon them and not build new ones. i told you about the math in north dak if you want energy self sufficientry you need to be like germany last weekend produce