mr. winslow, have you taken a pencil and try to sketch out of what we're asking for? or at least what i hear people are talking about holding the roof back from being extended over the portion of the rear yard, which would require the variance, reducing the roof deck to 125ft!s. and i would ask that we keep the roof deck further off the property line, with a small bridge connecting the stair to the where the roof deck starts. so the roof deck would be more independent from the property. wall, in order to deal with light, noise or privacy impacts, i'm only sketching as i hear these things. so, yes, sketching, but one of the challenges with the obtaining a code compliant open space via that roof deck within these parameters is, you know, holding it five feet off the property line. great. ten foot square in each direction to get to 125ft!. i don't have a scale on me. i think it's achievable. but, we hear you. it's pretty clear the direction that seems to be heading seems to be pretty clear , i like to ask the architect for the, applicant, if he has sketched that up. and