mr. president, i'd like to explain what has happened this long afternoon. originally some of us -- namely, senators leahy, durbin, udall of colorado, kirk, lee, harkin, webb, wyden, merkley, and myself -- realized that there was a fundamental flaw in section 1031 of the bill, and there is a difference of opinion as to whether there is this fundamental flaw or not. we believe that the current bill essentially updates and restates the authorization for use of military force that was passed on september 18, 2001, and despite my support for a general detention authority, the provision in the original bill, in our view, went too far. that the bill before us would allow the government to detain u.s. citizens without charge until the end of hostilities. we have had long discussions on this. the distinguished chairman, the distinguished ranking member, the senator from north carolina believe that was not their intent. and these discussions went on and on. and they resulted in two amendments: our original amendment which covers only u.s. citizens, which says that they cannot be held without charge or trial, and a compromise amendment which i shall read. on page 360 betwe