mr. wyden: and in beginning i want to note that senator bennett, to of senator bennett's favorites are here on the floor this afternoon, senator feinstein and senator alexander. and what senator bennett liked so much about senator alexander and senator feinstein is what we've seen this afternoon. the two of them have a difference of opinion with respect i gather to the iran deal. i happen to share senator feinstein's view, but the two of them are trying to find common ground here in the senate. that's the senate at its best, and that's exactly what bob bennett liked so much about both my colleague from california and my colleague from tennessee. so i think it's very fitting that i open my remarks about senator bennett having listened once again to the chair, the ranking member, talk about how the senate is supposed to do business. and, madam president, beginning my comments about bob bennett, there's so many wonderful things to say, but i thought i'd begin by talking about senator bennett's fav