mr. zapone is therefore wrong about the compliance of this design with the neighborhood standards. it would represent a very substantial aberration and very likely more than that. if it is granted in this instance, it may serve as a very unhappy precedent for future improvements, if you want to call them that, in this neighborhood. he also contends that mary projected all modification proposals made by ms. burrell. she did suggest a couple of suggestions. we never, ever categorically rejected any of them. my first act as the lawyer for dr. maxon was on the day i was retained to telephone ms. burrell, suggest a meeting, and try to work out this issue voluntarily. mrs. burrell responded by saying she did not want to me with a lawyer. we all understand the reputation that lawyers have in some circles but it was a problem for us. there was no way to get her in the room with the design in front of us and work something else -- something out. we find ourselves in front of you tonight. unfortunate. i should make it clear that we're tonight still willing to consider alternatives but we bel