on tuesday the board heard the appeal at 480 pa trespasser this was for a negative deck mrargs. at the last hearing supervisors cowen who's district contains this had questions related to parking. supervisor cowen reviewed the new standards and announced the standards at the last hearing and this answered her questions. she felt the concerns were also about sequa and with that the commissioner asked that the sequa be upheld. and then i wanted to share with you an introduction that was made by supervisor mar that pertains to his ordinance that would regulate formula retail. he introduced a extension that gives us 60 days. await that extension you would need to consider his ordnance by early november now you will have until january. so it won't come before you. and there were no other pieces of legislation that really pertained to land use. that concludes my report >> thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> if i may when we had supervisor mars legislation in front of us we asked whether or not there couldn't be a attempt for all supervisors to join forces together to have a comprehen