during the january hearing mrjackson said such last minute discussion about the post office during the hearings were sent to give evidence. during the january hearing mr jackson said such last—minute disclosure by the post office during the face of the hearings was undercooked suboptimal. there left disclosures have put immense pressure on the inquiry counsel and solicitor teams who worked extremely hard to ensure that the face for hearings, in fact as planned. in some instances regrettably a decision was made to postpone or reschedule a witness at short notice including you will remember mr jenkins are best among men, both of whom the inquiry has scheduled to hear during phases five and six. whilst other matters were discussed at the hearing held on the 12th of january the focus was on the post office work related to the microsoft exchange repository. on the 31st of january this year and following the hearing, you need directions which were published on the inquiry website and those directions provided that firstly a meeting will be held between the representatives of the inquiry and