mrph rmhmhm rm. mrph rmhmhm rm rmhmhm rm. he hits this switch. [ clicks, hums ] mrph rmhmhm. you see? nothing, dude. just a bunch of stars. yeah. i guess so. [ clicks, humming intensifies ] mrph rmhmhm! what does that do? i don't know. [ humming intensifies ] kenny, what's it doing? mrph rmhmhm rm! this says "maximum." mrph rmhmhm rm! mrph rmhmhm rm! mrph rmhmhm rm! mrph rmhmhm rm! oh, my god! we've killed kenny! we're bastards! [ clicks, humming stops ] dude, i told you something was up with this place. we've got to go tell somebody -- quick! [ hands clapping ] ♪ g-o! ♪ g-o, and bingo was his name-o ♪ ♪ was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name-o ♪ ♪ o! ♪ o! ♪ o, and bingo was his name-o ♪ was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name-o ♪ ♪ ing! ♪ ing, and bingo was his name-o! ♪ thank you, uh, peter. we'll let you know very soon. next will be, uh, eric theodore cartman. hello, everybody. now, just do it like we rehearsed, hon. i know, i know. [ clears throat ] ♪ she works hard for the money ♪ so hard for it, honey ♪ she works hard for the money ♪ so you better treat he