sure i'm mrs carmel role to see. if they only look like 10 months old because my daughter. has got her pets she loves little chickens you know what we did and i don't know why don't get me wrong there's a lot of challenges. because there's not a lot of service least for the family. i don't know pulling out of the well the grocery is only really there's 2 grocery stores but there's really one big grocery store 'd just in holland you gotta drive forever to go see a good doctor. so we do that we do this barbecue. screw cool things you know just how you handled thrust. the stress is really high i mean it is just. because i don't perform. somebody. is going to come in and take over the work. then i lose all that profit. and i gotta go find a. start again so. that it's going to be back to. every squad. 15 and then e usually has a shotgun as well. usually what we have in here so we have our camera system up front right here and. monitor this is our radar so we can monitor speeds. our computers. we receive a lot of every very very varies a lot of everything. talks to the drivers to