to mrs harker been you know it's a joint almost mediterranean climate protected by mountains close to the sea and with winds that blow in from the steps to keep the temperature balanced it's been a recipe for great great for over one hundred fifty years and some of the workers have seen quite a few vintages come and go. how long have you worked here what about. the future i've been working here since one thousand nine hundred eighty five when i first came to the vineyard. and i still work here. i really like this job so i've never worked in any other place i began after finishing seventh grade i got married here too. this is definitely a job that inspires loyalty grandma zhenya isn't the only person who returns for the harvest year after year but there's always room for new workers. the way the human with this one ok so you have to pay attention to the following small branches like this one we don't need the small ones just the big ones don't touch the little ones otherwise the one will be poor quality. carefully does it grasp it with your hand and cut it off like that but the great b