need to worry about radioactivity either to young americans coming to stay at the home of mr or mrs koussa gnocchi it's a ray of light for the village after years of darkness not many people around here can live off agriculture anymore prices for vegetables from fukushima have hit rock bottom even though these fields are one hundred forty kilometers away from the wrecked reactor and shielded from it by a mountain range so far away but ever present nuclear power station operator tepco gave this german t.v. team exclusive access to the devastated palace stations grounds tepco wants to show the world it's in control but they react to containers is still full of melted nuclear fuel rods altogether eight hundred tons of extremely radioactive waste more even than inch and nobble tepco wants to extract the hot slag over thirty to forty years how exactly the company when say and it will be a world first if it comes off. the cousineau keys however insists that radiation levels around their house a normal. the farmer tells his guests that he can only sell vegetables when the name fukushima doesn't a