mrs michael weller jenna growth through spring steel wire. what a contender without breaking the glass until pasta is my studio and sat on it would break off that it is kaput the lens grinder is the only part that needs electricity but it can also be powered by a car battery. many african villages have no electricity. for the past eighteen months. in the mood has been training teams. we take the optician skipped diligence. the project got off to a good start in uganda where the eclipse five hundred people with glasses in just two weeks. children who now have a chance to succeed in school and grownups whose livelihoods depend on a pair of glasses this was this woman she was here so she was a seamstress but could no longer a threat or needle so she didn't have any work anymore. but with my fist at the open six hideously five six seven people in the family and honor him. this so she was happy to get a pair of glasses for dollar. so should you go back to work. now i can often. boxes of old glasses. this is how aid organizations have tried to help