mrs. billingtonhad personal problems way before i played lady of spain. isn't uncle ned here yet? i want to play for him. he'll come soon. keep practicing. outside. the acousticsare better outside. it's dark out, alex. it'll get youin the mood, jennifer. all right, but call me when uncle ned gets here. ma, think uncle nedwill stay a while? it's hard to predict anything about my brother except that he'll be unpredictable. even then we're not sure. if dad gets himthis job, he can-- your dad's trying to set up an interview, but stop bugging him. what, me? i haven't been bugging him. alex, you wallpaperedour bedroom with ned's resume. hey! what's jennifer doing outside? practicing her clarinet. that explains all the cats. dad, you think you can get uncle ned that interview? alex, try and bemore sensitive. did you havea good day? well, actually-- great. did you get nedthe interview? yes. mr. wertz says if ned's interested, he'll see him. yes, elyse. i couldn't say ned just arrived from planet zenon. beats saying he embezzled $4.5 million from his last job. he hid money in the computer