mrs. bustos: i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the reading. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection to dispense with the reading? without objection. the house will be in order. pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from illinois is recognized for five minutes in support of her motion. mrs. bustos: mr. speaker, this is the final amendment to the bill. it will not delay or kill the bill or send it back to committee. if adopted, the bill will proceed immediately to final passage, as amended. this amendment reinforces our commitment to the middle class and making sure that jobs are created right here in america, not overseas, by taking five key steps. first, it would extend the re-authorization of the export-import bank for seven years. illinois companies like john deere and caterpillar as well as large and small businesses across our country deserve the certainty that a long-term re-authorization would provide. second, it would help ensure that employers provide equal pay for equal work.