judge lake: in the case of autumn ching-long, it has been determined, mrs. ng, james audiss... your momma's crying for you. narrator: promotional consideration provided by... arrator reading) what did you feel like ms. berube's motives were at that time? money. i have a terminal illness right now, i have maybe two years to live, and i need to know that she's my grandchild. i wanna know that i've got another niece. all right, let's go to the results. in the case of autumn ching-long. mrs. ching-long, james audiss... was your father. (applause) (sobbing) i'm so glad you finally know. i know. kathy: i have a bear for you that was his. (sobbing) this is probably the first thing that my mom's ever told me that actually... turned to be true. if he wasn't my dad i would have been heartbroken. autumn: i mean, he... judge lake: your momma's crying for you. you wanna step down and hug your daughter? (sniffs) you know, this has been so hard for me. what do you have there, ms. myers? this bear was james', and... that was your son's? yes, and then i have his birth b