mrs. colbert busch. most experts agree in order to cut the federal debt there needs to be entitlement reform, other than reducing waste, fraud and abuse, what are specific ways you would suggest to lower long term costs to ocial security and medicare? >> first let's talk about social security that still will be solvent in 20 years. what we need to do in reaching across the aisles, does it have a bipartisan approach like tip o'neill and ronald reagan, to come together as the parties to talk about how we'll move this forward and openly have a dialogue about it. social security is still solvent 20 years and we need to address that. when we're talking about medicare, again, we have a grave concern. medicare is not even allowed to negotiate pharmaceutical contracts like the v.a. is. that's $24 billion to our bottom line that we can negotiate and level out that playing field. we need to address those costs. we need to address overbilling and need to address the impacts obamacare has to cutting medicare benefit