. >> mr. gramm, for five minutes. >> thank you, chairman. good afternoon, mr. dimon. just to continue -- we are hearing a lot about this volcker rule. we heard before from ms. waters that, if all of dodd-frank was implemented, it is possible these trades would not have occurred. would be safe to say that, if you did not do any trading at all, you would not have any losses? is that true? >> yes. >> so if we made banks a utility and could not compete with europe, that would clear this up. would that be one way to get rid of losses and take risk out? >> yes. >> before, we were talking about regulators. my colleague mr. duffy was saying, do you think regulators can regulate jpmorgan? he said yes his argument was, why could not find this trade? in my humble opinion, regulators are there to look over all at the major roles such as minimum capital requirements, maximum leverage ratios, maybe some concentration risks, rules and place so that you are not too concentrated. those three things combined, regardless of whether you have a bad trading day -- is it safe to say we can