speaker: i just wanted to thank mrs. hiten for the aging in adult services and how you coordinate everything. i want to make a point about senior nutrition issues. i think that what funded is going to help, but i think the need is so much larger and with the add back program, i'm going to present with the security task force groups additional add backs to make sure that no senior person with disabilities goes hungry, but i know a number of different cuts from the unlock 30th street center to other non profits in the community are facing some certificate vice cut backs and potentially having to close their sites which will have an impact on the city. my hope is we work with you to fill as much as those gaps as we can not only with your budget but with the add back program as well. >> i forgot to say that that particular site, that's about 8,000 meals for weekends and holidays, and so that has been built into this budget as well. >> i wanted to thank you for supporting sites like that with wrap around service and a number of dif