mrs. hogg, i made up my y nd a long time ago, the first time i read the constitution of the units, where it says nobodydys guiltyt. and as farow, this woman has bothered nobody on this train. it also says in the constitution that people have to vote, and the way they vote proves what they want! majo all right. we'll take a aote. everybody that's in favor of her leaving this train, raise your hanan. ( mirthless chuckle ) we kitty, it looks to me like-- hold on, n on! there might be some folks around here wants to vote agin'just for the record. just for the record. those that w wld like her toth the train, raise your hands. four votes, just for the record.d. bill. kitty, just ask me to cut out my tongue, and i'll be glad to. it's a little latethat. i guess we'll have to send her there now. major, how soon before i have to go? well, miss angel, here is a military post. h of here, and i don't know if they'll take a single woman in. fort sonora. i'vethroroh there. i've passed through there. they w a