kemp, do you have outside counsel. >> i am formally represented, but i have mr. barry here today to give legal counsel if iineed it. + >> if at any time you would like to consult with him before you answer, please do. >> so please rise, raise your right hand, and take the oath. do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to give to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in the matter pending before this committee? >> yes, i do. >> yes. >> let the record reflect the witnesses supplied in the affirmative. you are now under oath. we will hear an opening statement from each of you. pull that mike up -- mic up closer to you so we can all here you. >> before i begin, i would first like to thank each and every one of you again for allowing me to say on behalf of my how's, shane, who was tragically killed in an explosion at bp. and on behalf of our son, blain. i never thought i was goinn to have to say to a bright-eyed 3-year-old that his dad would never come home to us. every week when blain and i would say good-bye and see him off, i feared the