mrs. v.a. lore sky votes no. [background sounds] [inaudible conversations] >> clerk -- clerk will report the tally. >> mr. chairman, there were ten aye votes -- [inaudible] no votes. >> the amendment is not agreed to. if there are no further amendments, the chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio, mr. turner, for the purpose of offering a motion. >> mr. chairman, i move to adopt the subcommittee report of the subcommittee on tactical air and land forces as amended. >> questions on the motion of the gentleman from ohio? so many as are in fair will say aye. >> aye. >> those opposed, no. a quorum being present, the ayes have it, and the motion is agreed to. committee will now receive the report on the subcommittee on intelligence, emerging threats and capabilities. pursuant to committee rule 17 and in consultation with the ranking member, we will postpone all of the recorded votes on the amendments in this particular subcommittee mark until the end of the subcommittee mark. the chair recognizes chairman of the subco