and mrs. mcgraw will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. and the statement goes on to say they are role models for the happily married. >> we've witnessed phil and robin's love for many years. >> i liked her spir from the day one minute one, she was spunky, she's just passionate about everything and i love that. the 42-page complaint wa in west palm beach alleging years of false and defamatory accusations at the expense of dr. and mrs. mcgrrw's reputations and good names. sayinn quote, this pattern knowingly and repeatedly publishing lies for profit will noo stop unless these publications are held acu >> they're suing for million. but a source tells us,i not about the money, it's aaout the principle. >> we asked ami for a comment and they say part, quote, ami looks forward to successfully defending itself against dr. phil in a court of law. and exposing his stale and fraudulent claims for what they really are. >> we want to disclose that the "dr. phil" show is distr by our parent company. >> moving on. >> aalot of stars felt like big winner