after listening to all of the arguments and assessing the witnesses, i would say that the mother, mrs. mosley i can feel for her as a parent when she said she's willing, but i also think what she didn't go on to say which i think she probably would admit to is that he's a little bit of a handful for her. more importantly to me is that he's out on the street doing some very dangerous things and we all know that when you lay down with dogs, you get fleas. so this young man has been living on the street or between friends or doing something that he shouldn't be doing, all because he was afraid to come to court. he endangered himself and maybe others. and for those reasons the court has now ordered that he remain detained pending his next hearing because there's an unlikelihood that he will appear for a subsequent hearing. now, are there any questions? all right. then this hearing's adjourned. thank you. >> you want to say anything to your mother? >> i'll see you at 1:30. >> i know i'm going to go crazy up in this place. >> it's okay. i'll see you at 1:30. all right? you're going to be all right.