mrs. murray: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from washington. mrs. ay: thank you, madam president. i got my start in politics fighting to protect a preschool program. i am a former preschool teacher. i'm also a former community college educator, and i am also a former school board member. so i don't mess around when it comes to making sure every single one of our students in every corner of our country has access to quality public education, one that leaves them prepared for the future and opens the doors of opportunity wide. it's not a responsibility i take lightly. it never will be. our kids are the future of this country, and the department of education is really at the heart of how we make sure they are set up for success. but donald trump and elon musk want to rip the heart out of public education in america and abolish the department of education. well, not if i can help it, and that's why i believe we need a leader at the department of education that actually believes in the mission of the department of education. we need a secretary of educati