. - mrs. serene. - is that our order? - spaghetti milanese. oh, mr. solo might like to see that. [shrieks] [speaking italian] yes, uh, scusate. carlos, may i have the check, please? uh, si. [dramatic music] how would you know about the august affair? (serena) 'it's entirely possible. i went through your dossier' 'and read some of the reports.' it's also possible that you might be lying. 'all things are possible.' this place isn't bugged. i've checked. mm. fine. for openness? mm-hmm. the august affair, remember? when is it going to take place? - what? - the august affair. - when would you leave? - oh, i don't know. it's very difficult to...book passage during the tourist season. [doorbell rings] - i'm sorry, uh, i'll get it. time to, uh, get back to business. come in. you wouldn't put a bullet through your own head, would you? [music continues] direction finder off me now. - open channel d. - 'channel d open.' situation is back to normal. for phase three' 'of the august affair.' 'i'm afraid our poor mr. solo will have a splitting headache' 'when he awakens in the austrian alps.' p