from mrs. sieh. >> before i sum rise my response to the argument i like to point out that this notice was the fourth notice sent to the property owner. previous to this notice we sent a notice of complaint. a notice of enforcement. a notice of required compliance to mrs. sieh required what is needed to abate the violations on her property. the nov the next action in our process. based upon records the 2016 corrective permit for 354 head is to legalize the unit on the ground floor. this permit was filed by the property owner after her attentive in thes udu had filed a wrongful eviction petition with the rent board. the rent board information is per of the appellate's exhibits. her tenants in the udu since 2004. seeing this permit is on legalize and complies with the planning code and addresses the violation staff approved the permit. while being for different types of violation can vary and udu's take 1-two years this case has remained unabated for a very long time. to date corrective permit to legal