your father and mrs. sorby are now entering upon a marriage based on full confidence, based on complete and unqualified frankness on both sides. there's no keeping anything back. there's no deception underneath it all. if i might so put it, it's an agreement for the mutual forgiveness of sin. well, what of it? well, there is only his bit from what you said. one had to go through all this difficult business to found a true marriage. no, that's something quite different, hjalmar. surely, you're not going to compare either yourself or her with those two? you see what i mean, don't you? but i can't get over the fact that there's something in all this that offends my sense of justice. it's as if for all the world, there's no justice at all in things. good gracious, hjalmar. you mustn't say things like that. don't let's get ourselves involved in questions like that. and yet, on the other hand, i think i can claim to see the guiding finger of fate. your father is going blind. oh, perhaps that's not so certain. well, t