mrs. suzy siegal, kindergarten teacher from milk elementary school. ♪ come and play, everything's a-ok, ony way to where the air is clean, can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street ♪ sesame street is brought to you by the word data. let's make a rhyme since it is a standard on the kindergarten report card. data smatta. any skill teacher knows assessment is important to drive instruction and help a child progress to the next level but any entitled teach also knows there is so much to a 4, 5 and 6-year-old than solely taking test data and experts also know that at this age so many things happen developmentally, one can't box kids up by grade level. a child is a portfolio of knowledge assessed by the teacher in so many ways. you wouldn't compare an 18-month old baby to an 8-month-old and yet we are required to hold children to this comparison daily. data director which keeps track of a student's test scores and their teachers may tell you how many letters of the alphabet a student knows or if he can count to 100 but what's missing is how he mixes the color of paint, his smile wh