antibiotic resistant germs in our hospitals, mrsa, gram negative clepsiella, we're surrounded by these,000 to an estimate of 100,000 people are dying from this because we -- and i include myself -- we are writing too many of them. the germs have become smart, they're evolving. the genetic signatures are passing on to others. and i think the 12 hours is a good situation for us. better than the few days that we have already. the clinical trial that is going on with this is going to bring it to one hour. that's a big deal. if you're going to come at 10:00 a.m., by 10:30, 11:00, i'm going to know whether it's bacterial versus viral. it's a game changer. it's going to reduce the number of antibiotics. >> you're going to outsmart the germs. >> 2014 there will be a lot of great things coming up in medicine. >> thanks, doctor. >> speaking of great things, bad breath, you may not know you have it, but guess what? there's an app that can make sure your mouth is minutety fresh. so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why'