brimavmiion.avpab@ university has drawn tavanpad be 2noc rec c 2 avpabvcludinavg pajobvhn ada@ms roosevelt2noc r2 court justicesatest nobel prizea were announc pabvhad st@udie.bvpabv@noc rec @ students, faculty and alumniorae occasion.bvpabvident of harvardo >> tbv@noc rec 2 c >> susie: on this nigh repabv@noc c 2noc rec 2rections and to bvpad the kind of consenbv @v noc enablcvpabv@ rec 2>no sc usreiec : 2harvard is as cvpabvncvpabv@noc ree @labs, noh cvuntries.2than 15,000oyees andt cvpabv@noc faust oversees it all pabv@noc s noc rec 2 george washis troops during the recvvo cv noc ecvpabv@noc rec 2@ 2>> power here is negotiated and not a it is a ve pabvronment in mancv cvpabv@noc re@noc rec 2 foc rec 2ans of harvard'sdvpabv papabv@dv @enjoyenod c a relec ve2 almost unheard of at other@noc , which means fa many of her quic ability to persu dvpadebvmand her secret, she says, lidvstpae@ rec >>2 becauno uc ndreerc st2aa them tdvpabv@ @noc rec 2he elemedvpabv@noc re2 or respo you to pdvem or drag them tou nv no>>c witnessed her powers ofbvv @ococ nfreidc c reshc e 2doesn't have t"