i think the issues related to ms. adler -- aguilar, if there is an answer if she is a legal expert.the best evidence is what we will get more from the fact witnesses and i would be prepared to put that one aside unless and until we feel we have a question, that would hold if that is permissible. and that for me would leave -- whether it is something chief still would add. the comment about the expert witness is well taken. >> you heard from -- will hear from experts 1 and 2. >> 1 and/or two. if the mayor thinks they speak two different issues. there is some effort to say that they have somewhat different focuses in what they would be speaking to. >> one or two. number three. i have not responded as to four and five, not now, and 6. i also wondered if we have the authority to pay summit declarations. just in terms of providing some clarity and manageability. you would know better, you and the other litigators would know better if that is appropriate. >> thank you. i echo a lot of your views on this. one concern i have with experts over percipient witnesses is experts typically are pa