ms. ahmed: we have been trying to close the gap, and the focus is not as much as we hoped, but the reason why we have a gap is is theird quarter, highest we have been for two quarters, so it is significant. officially, the oil and gas sector is still the largest sort of foreign exchange, so the idea that the strategy where we are trying to address the high demand and very low supply has a sort of process where they are accruing and meeting it, and the needs are being addressed as time goes on. we do hope that we will be able keel very soon, so the impact on the exchange rate will become moderated. francine: minister, i have a great bloomberg chart, and you can clearly see that, you know, real interest rates in the economy are now negative. is that a deliberate strategy to reduce the domestic borrowing costs, considering the rising debt to rate ratios? ms. ahmed: well, it is something we have had to do to be able to stabilize the economy. we actually have to reduce interest rates, especially for