andrews: an amendment is similar so what ms. eshoo offered. as one said, sunlight is the great anti-septemberant of democracy. mr. chairman, you and me and every other member on this floor must disclose every dollar we raise and every dollar we spend in the pursuit of our politics. so must the democratic campaign committee. so must the republican campaign committee. so must for the people running for united states senate and office of presidency. i think our democracy is strengthened by this. now, we have a disagreement over whether there should be limitations on what people may spend. i frankly believe that limitations is appropriate, but i know that some of our colleagues who follow libertarian principle believe that limitations on what someone may spend is a violation of someone's right of free speech. i respectfully disagree but i understand it. there should be no disagreement, though, over a universal requirement to disclose who has spent what. if you're proud of what you say, then you ought to let people know who said it. but instead we