ms. arquette? ms. arquette: thank you for lying me to be here to testify movement three we are standing on the bricks of history with the possibility of , evenng a female leader though she will not have all constitutional freedom because she was born female. to quote justice scalia, "certainly the cost to should does not require discrimination on the basis of sex, the question is whether it prohibits it." it does not. we see that impacting critical court decisions. women have teeth will legislation depending on who is in power at any given time, legislation that is again and again dismantled and rendered ineffective like the violence against women act which initially gave women the federal remedy for gender-based violence. this law was struck down by the u.s. supreme courte in a campus sexual assault victim tried to use it. we also see glaring injustice and state laws. in louisiana, for instance, dnan are not given a free kit to convict her rapist. or, in massachusetts were women have to appeal every si