ms. augustine?i would reiterate that and include once again utilizing the success of the star behavioral health program to implement this for veterans it's been proven to be effective and i think we can replicate this for veterans. >> very good. ms. augustine, you spoke about the progress we have been made in the homelessness in the v.a. and that we are moving in the right direction. the west l.a. plan, you know , up, -- you know, having a strong community for veterans needs which seems to be, you know, something that, you know, is very beneficial. are there other areas of the country where you feel like the same ability, other locations, would be effective? >> i'd be happy to provide your office with specific locations that our members have expressed concern. i don't have any in front ofme, but i would be happy to get to your office about what the members are telling us. >> thank you. the rest of you guys? >> specifically, south dakota, we're looking at some really great land out there. south dakot