ms. ayotte: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from new hampshire. ms. ayotte: thank you, madam president. i come to the floor today to urge my colleagues to permanently reauthorize the land and water conservation fund. this has been a very important program for preserving our outdoor spaces and the beauty of our country and particularly to my home state of new hampshire, where this fund actually comes from leasing revenues of -- from oil and gas, and so these are dollars that are supposed to be designated for this purpose since the law was passed in 1965. and i'm very disappointed that this body has allowed lwcf's authorization to expire. we have a bipartisan bill. senator burr, senator bennet, myself, the burr-bennet-ayotte bill that is one that i'm going to in a minute seek unanimous consent on, that is -- has a number of cosponsors. this is very bipartisan. we have cosponsors from senator tester, senator shaheen, senator alexander, senator collins, senator king, and this would permanently reauthorize the land and water conservation fund. we know from