ms. clara barton. that would have been hanging on the outside of the building to identify it for people looking for ms. barton's office. some of the really, really interesting finds that we got in the attic were socks. we found many, many socks and sock tops and sock bottoms that were separated as well as lots of rags and pieces of cloth. what i love about these is that the soldiers' footprints are still in these socks. you can see this one, it looks like quite a bit of blood on that sock. clara would have taken these from the hospitals and collected them because socks were at a premium and they would have wanted to reuse as much material as possible. and back in the 19th century, the way you did that was you could separate the top of the sock from the bottom. you can see the bottom is where most of the wear takes place. you've got holes in the heels and toe, that kind of thing. you could reuse the top and throw away the bottom part. so she would have gathered up as much of those as possible so that sh