ms. bickett. >> mr. chief justice, and may it please the court -- arizona's tuition tax credit does not violate the establishment clause, because it's a neutral law that results in scholarship programs of private choice. it's neutral because, like the tax deduction that the court upheld in mueller, it's one of many tax-saving devices, including some other credits that are available to arizona taxpayers on a neutral basis. >> ms. bickett, could you explain something to me just -- i have been puzzling and puzzling over this scheme. can you tell me why arizona adopted this sort of scheme rather than the more typical tuition voucher scheme? in other words tuition voucher schemes the state just gives the voucher or scholarship or what have you. this is so much more complicated and complex and unusual. and it just left me wondering why it was chosen or what the state thinks the advantages of it are now? >> yes, justice kagan. one of the things that is true in arizona that was not true in ohio is that under the