ms. bogardus. so, these business aggregation rules already apply to many aspects of business law like arissa and cobra. so i know some of these small businesses founded a su eit a s possibly, that it also included their compliance as it related to the affordable care act. so maybe you can explain to us why it came as a surprise when these aggregation rules already existed and small businesses were in compliance in other areas. and maybe there are some small businesses that are having to come in contact or in compliance with these aggregation laws for the first time. and maybe -- let us know why it was a surprise. maybe, too, what kinds of small businesses are experiencing this for the first time? what kinds of businesses that maybe never had to comply with this law before? even in other areas. >> yes. representative hahn, thank you. the answer to that is that while these rules have been in effect for quite some time, they affect arissa, cobra, medicare, secondary, a number of technical issues inclu