ms. boler's and by working together we have addressed many of those problems. could i have the laptop. so we've come up with a working draft tree management plan together. this is a view of the ficus from the main entrance. we've got from looking at it as individual trees to a grove. we've gone from being adversaries to becoming a working group. we've gone from working with problems, lots of different problems, to treating the situation as one of creative opportunities, problems such as perception of safety on the one side from the library and on the other that we should never remove any trees for any reason. we've moved into a different zone with this. we've moved from looking at 19 individual street trees to thinking of this as a grove, as a unified place, and as a place with an opportunity for people to work together. so that's what i'd like to report about our process. we are -- we have the steps we propose to move towards this are, first, demonstrate commitment from the library to ongoing green space. that means that we're going to expand the planted areas before any removal is do