ms. bonamici: i yield to the gentleman from oregon ms. salinas. ms. salinas: as a mother to a former child athlete, i get the need to keep our daughters safe and ensure school sports are fair. sadly, there is nothing in this bill to improve the safety of our daughters or improve fair play. in fact, the bill subjects girlscies against, transgender all girls to harm ridicule and strips fairness from players and parents and school communities this. bill sets up an unfair playing field where any parent raise ago concern a transgender girl can be playing on a girl's team. it's rare. it's unfair to be girls who may be targeted because they grow faster, play harder, or might be more talented then their teammates. this is unfair to the school district who can't navigate the they threat of lawsuits but also can't afford losing federal funding. this bill is sun fair to the girl athletes who could be subject to genital inspection answer subject to humiliation leaving them with the legacy of trauma. this bill is unfair to the american people who are demanding tha