ms. bosserman's activities don't come anywhere near that for her disqualification. there's no reason to take it away from the normal regular order. of career prosecutors doing the job with lots of other people involved. fbi, tigta, other people in other divisions and sections in the department. she is part of a much larger team. there's no reason to take anything out of the normal course in the normal order. that you should the best way to do an investigation. >> thank you. well then, i would assert rather than wasting more taxpayer money on a special prosecutor, congress should be focused on addressing some other pressing issues facing our constituents. and again, mr. chairman, i deplore you to please provide a level of decorum and civility so that those of us on this committee who do want to get to the truth and have a fair and impartial process can do so without having an abusive setting in which to operate. >> thank the gentleman. mr. cole, does barbara bosserman have a financial interest in the president success? >> i don't which he does, no. >> so when you get