ms. boynes: hello, everyone. my name is janet boynes. i have a ministry that assist in helping men and women lead the life of homosexual. -- leave the life of homosexuality. i'm based out of minneapolis and i live in texas. i also enjoy helping churches have a better understanding how we work with those that are in our churches that struggle. i believe in compassion without compromise. we will have passion but we will not compromise the gospel. i think far better than anyone who has lived the life of homosexuality has an understanding why the gay community do not want someone like myself around. because we have the opportunity to debunk everything they are saying. why don't you see me on cnn or today or msnbc or good morning america? because they have all the gays and lesbians on their show. but if i come on that show i will tear down their belief system to advance my goal is to debunk everything that they are saying, to be true what i know it is a lie. we have tragically watched our nation caved in to homosexuality propaganda. more and