ms. bresch: no. carter: have you seen a mother cry because she cannot afford the medication for her child? the reason i ask you this is because i have. i've experienced it. i've seen it. i've seen a mother go out and have to call family members to see if she can get the money together to try and see if she can pay for this medication that she knows her child has to have. i've witnessed that firsthand. none of us are without blame , none of us. and i could my profession as well. of yesask you a couple or no questions. first of all, does the $608 wholesale acquisition, is that -- ms. bresch: no, sir. representative carter: you said your company receives approximately $274 after rebates and allowances. after you take at the expenses like acquisition costs, regulatory compliance, all of those things, your profit is even less than that, is that correct? ms. bresch: that would be the $50 per pen. representative carter: after you do that, do you have any , pharmacywith pbm product managers? ms. bresch: yes.