ms. brett holland. >> you're welcome. >> we'll stop your time until ms. barkley sets up. >> sorry for the confusion. dr. larry [speaker not understood] will go now. >> l.b. carp, i'm a geotechnical engineer. i gave the clerk a handout. this project is very unusual. the excavation almost as deep as this chamber in the side of a hill at the edge of the roadway, the only roadway to [speaker not understood] tower, below hoist tower. i wrote two reports. yesterday, i guess over the weekend, the project sponsors hired an engineer to find fault with my report and they issued their own report yesterday. i can't go into everything, but that report contains eight pageses of potential environmental impacts, but every one they dismissed as it can be taken care of in the future by the right engineers at the right time according to various codes and procedures. that's not true. but one of the things, the one thing i wanted to address today where they attacked me for stating that rock wall on the northeast side of telegraph hill was not inter bed are not involved,v inte