ms. brinkman the bond is boo about the sufficiency and efficiency and safety you have our streets if you use the streets in san francisco by private automobile or bus why business bike you care about this bond measure passing it will help all to move better and get rid of congestion it has not passed a bond measure in over 60 years you you'll of the work done to packing pass the bond measures give us the system people will say night not good in order to continue to improve this system we're going to have the make the investment now and not only for the generations to come. >> thank you just coping our opening remarks measure a is as simple as abc so that at this point the abc a stands 0 for a blank check they don't thrill this is a general obligation bond a boring of money a half a billion dollars repayable over thirty years at interest which will be over one million dollars one hundred million it contains no denied specific projects it is written in glittering gentle itself and allows spending on anything mentioned or perhaps unmentioned in the measure the it isn't probably going to pas