ms. brownlee of california. the chair: the gentlewoman from california, ms. brownlee: ms. brownlee: i ask -- the chair: each will control five minutes, the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. ms. brownlee: thank you, mr. chairman. my amendment by literacy education seal and teaching act would amend h.r. 5 to encourage and incentivize bilingual education for our students across the country. specifically, my amendment would establish a grant program at the department of education to provide resources for states to create or expand state biliteralcy cl programs to recognize high school seniors who achieve a high level of proficiency in writing, reading, and speaking and enge -- in english and a second language. students who speak more than one language have a competitive edge in the american job market. as businesses look to expand and to over-- into overseas markets and serve a wider range of customers, and as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the demand for students with valuable language skills is increasing and it is not only the private sector t