ms. bueler? [speaker not understood] ms. wynns? thank you. and ms. norton? >> yes. >> all right. item b, presentations to the board of education from the superintendent. mr. superintendent carranza. >> thank you, president norton, and you haven't lost that rolling of the rs, very good. so, good evening, everyone. i have some extended thoughts this evening to kickoff the school year. but needless to say, i and the rest of the staff are very excited for the start of the new school year. a few weeks ago we welcomed back our administrators and this week we welcome all of our teachers back to educating our students and collaborating with their colleagues in preparation for a great school year. we are not starting the school year with a lot of -- we're starting the school year with a lot of strong systems in place to support our students and teachers and we have multi-tiered system of support so that our schools know what it means to have support from a central perspective and our teachers who have the greatest need are getting the modethv services in those communities that have the gr