ms. cabana: not that i came across. ront, i have talked with my students, and actually, ms. johnson buttered up in the interview, i wish i could have played the whole thing, it was so interesting. the way that we cautiously think of recycling seems to be more of natural everyday life to them. so, they would, anything they had on hand, to naturally reuse it, because of limitations on available supplies and whatnot. so in the way that we think of purposely cautiously reusing and recycling, not so much, just more of the natural, ingrained. >> [indiscernible] ms. cabana: not that i came across, but that does not mean they didn't. i just didn't come across it. that would be a good question to research. >> when they were sent to the front or the fact to, did it really work and do what it was supposed to do? ms. cabana: i believe so, yes. >> did you do research into cigarettes or tobacco rations? ms. cabana: there are cigarettes in the k and c rations. the k rations had 4 cigarettes. it actually talked about that originally, th